My Abhinandan

My Abhinandan: A Visionary NGO for Women and Children Empowerment in India



My Abhinandan is a visionary NGO dedicated to empowering women and children in India through education, health, and livelihood opportunities. Established in 2020 by Manisha Bhatia, the My Abhinandan NGO has been tirelessly working to enhance the lives of marginalized and vulnerable members of society. My Abhinandan believes in providing every woman and child with the opportunity to realize their potential and contribute to the nation’s development. Through a range of projects and programs, My Abhinandan has been delivering high-quality education, healthcare, skill training, and microfinance to thousands of women and children across India. My Abhinandan stands as a shining example of how a small initiative can make a significant impact in the world.

Meet Manisha Bhatia, the Founder and President of My Abhinandan

Manisha Bhatia is the founder and president of My Abhinandan, a non-governmental organization (NGO) that works for the empowerment of women and children in India. She is a visionary leader who has a passion for creating positive social change and improving the lives of the underprivileged. She believes that every woman and child deserves a life of dignity, respect, and opportunity. Under her leadership, My Abhinandan has achieved remarkable results in various fields, such as skill developmenthealtheducation, and advocacy. Some of the achievements of My Abhinandan are:

Skill Development and Vocational Training:

My Abhinandan offers courses on various skills, such as tailoring, embroidery, beauty care, computer literacy, and spoken English, to women and youth in rural areas. These courses help the participants to enhance their employability and income, as well as their confidence and self-esteem.

Health Camps and Awareness Programs:

My Abhinandan conducts regular health check-ups and distributes sanitary pads, contraceptives, and medicines to women and children in need. They also educate them on the importance of hygiene, family planning, a balanced diet, and stress management. They aim to improve the health and well-being of the community, as well as to prevent diseases and infections.

Support for Acid Attack and Domestic Violence Survivors:

My Abhinandan works with the survivors of these heinous crimes and provides them with medical, legal, and psychological assistance, as well as rehabilitation and counseling services. They also help them to get justice and compensation, by filing cases and fighting for their rights. They also provide them with shelter, education, and employment opportunities, to help them rebuild their lives and integrate into the society.


Education and Literacy Promotion:

My Abhinandan believes that education is the key to empowerment and development. They run several schools and libraries in rural areas, where they provide quality education and learning materials to the children, free of cost. They also offer scholarships and incentives to meritorious and needy students, especially girls, to encourage them to pursue higher education and achieve their dreams.

Advocacy for Women’s and Children’s Rights and Welfare:

My Abhinandan raises awareness and mobilizes the public on various social issues, such as female foeticide, child marriage, dowry, domestic violence, and gender discrimination. They also collaborate with the government and other NGOs, to implement policies and programs that benefit women and children. They also celebrate various occasions, such as International Women’s Day, Children’s Day, and National Girl Child Day, to honor and appreciate the women and children of the country.

Manisha Bhatia and her team have helped thousands of people through their dedication and hard work. They have received recognition and appreciation from various government and private institutions, such as the Ministry of Women and Child Development, the National Commission for Women, the Rotary Club, and the Lions Club. They have also been featured in various media outlets, such as the Times of India, the Hindustan Times, and the NDTV.

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